
So The Chainsmokers Crashed a High School Prom Last Night

The Chainsmokers are not necessarily known for their maturity, so it comes as no surprise that the reigning pop EDM duo would make an appearance at a high school prom.

Last night, before their set at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois, the two crashed a prom at a Hyatt Regency hotel. The hotel was located across the street from the arena.

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“Just crashed Huntley High schools prom! That was awesome!,” the duo tweeted.

And thankfully it was captured on social media by the group and their young fans.

As silly as they may be, an appearance from one of the most popular music group’s out now is sure to please most high schoolers. If you’re a high schooler, there’s still time for an appearance at your high school, too.