
Waypoint Weekend Episode 13: How Is January Already Over, Though?

Another week has finally come to an end, and it’s time to see what the crew is getting up to with another episode of ‘Waypoint Weekend’.

An image of Waypoint weekends, featuring a custom Xbox controller and the VICE logo
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

How has a month already flown by? It feels like the New Year just started, but honestly? I’m not going to complain. This month has been extremely busy for everyone, and I’m excited to see what new games are on the docket this upcoming month. Some heavy hitters are coming out, but before we can play them, we’ve got to chat about what our weekend plans are. Welcome to another Waypoint Weekend, where we chat about what we’re getting into now that the work week is done.

Waypoint Weekend Welcomes February Into The Fray

The Cook encounters a Massive Salamander in the Hidden Cave in Baladins waypoint weekend
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

Dwayne Jenkins – Managing Editor

Playing Baladins with Shaun made me realize something about myself. As Shaun stated in his hands-on preview, it’s been a long time since I’ve allowed myself to enjoy a chill game. Honestly, I was almost uncomfortable playing Baladins at first because I kept thinking, “Damn, this game’s so slow.” But as the session continued, I ended up having a phenomenal time! So, I want to get back to my “jack of all trades” gamer status. No Baldur’s Gate 3, no roguelikes requiring me to throw myself at a wall to progress.

Videos by VICE

If Shaun and I don’t reconvene for a Baladins run, perhaps my partner and I will finally start playing House Flipper 2. A game where we can utilize our combined creativity at our own pace. Or, I’ll play the demo for Outside the Blocks again. “Chill” is mandatory this weekend, fellow gamers!

An image of Brutal Doom, a mod for the original DOOM that makes it even more violent than ever before
Screenshot: YouTube/Radiation Hazard

Matt Vatankhah – Contributor

This weekend, I’ll be playing some classic DOOM. But, I’m not talkin’ vanilla – no, I’m exploring the vast library of DOOM mods. If you know anything about the DOOM modding community, you know just how deep this rabbit hole goes. Brutal DOOM, pictured above, is just the tip of the iceberg.

For decades, the dedicated DOOM fanbase has created everything from simple asset swaps to full-game conversions, all based on DOOM as the source. It’s how unique games like Rise of the Triad and Selaco were made, and how fresh ways to play the classic are possible. The possibilities are nearly endless, but I’m ready to rip and tear through as many as I can.

Gameplay photo of the upcoming roguelike 'SWORN'
Screenshot: Team17

Anthony Franklin II – contributor

My weekend will be filled with Sworn, Mark of The Deep, and another game I can’t tell y’all about yet, but one I’m very excited to play. I’ll also be watching the Pro Bowl and replays of Eagles games because I believe in keeping the routine. So, GO BIRDS!

Katie and I together in Hello Kitty Island Adventure
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

SHaun Cichacki – COntributor

It’s been a long week for me, so I’m hoping to just kick back and relax with my favorite Sanrio friends for a little while. That’s right, I’m jumping back into my adventures in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, as there is still so much more to do in this game. It’s equal parts adorable and quirky, with some fantastic writing to back it all up.

Otherwise, I’ll be working through a few other games. Likely jumping into some Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble for no particular reason at all, as well. It seems like it’s the perfect weekend to… “Switch” up my particular gaming tastes and try something different. Yes, the joke was bad, you don’t have to tell me twice.

Waypoint Weekend Is My Favorite Time Of The Week, Honestly

I know I say this often, but it’s always so nice to see what everyone on the team is jumping into. From the horrifyingly hyperviolent to the most adorable game to ever exist, everybody is jumping into something truly unique this upcoming weekend. Honestly, I may need to follow in Matt’s footsteps and give Brutal DOOM a try after my Hello Kitty session wraps up. What? I have a varied taste in different games, I’ll have you know!

As always, have a fantastic weekend, and thanks for stopping by. Keep on being great.