Toxic Avenger.

  • Troma's Lloyd Kaufman Doesn't 'Get' Hollywood Blockbusters

    I talked to the grandmaster of trash about the art of auteur filmmaking and why he finds films like Lord of the Rings such a bore.

  • I Hate That I Love 'Far Cry 3'

    This is a game I had every intention of never playing. If you had told me any of its premise ahead of time, I would have gotten on my indie high horse and sneered safely in the arms of my anti-Ebertian, post-gamer ideals. And yet it moves.

  • You Fat Slob, Troma Just Released 150 Films On YouTube

    Wow, you guys. Great news. You no longer have to go to the beach this holiday weekend. That's right, you can save people the trouble of commenting on your horrible posture and translucent skin; instead, take that satchel of grillables and drag it into...
