
Subcultură fashion congoleză în sudul Londrei

Frescobol Carioca hat, vintage sunglasses, John Varvatos jacket, Wood Wood shirt, Barbour trousers, Kenzo shoes

Makeup: Nicola Moores
Asistent Foto: Thurstan Redding
Stilist Asistent: Emily Avery

Videos by VICE

Modele: Dennis, Troy, Junior și Yemi @AMCK

Dent De Man suit and shirt, Kickers shoes

Christopher Shannon jumper and trouers, Timberland shirt

James Long jacket, Natural Selection shirt, Hentsch Man trousers

Suit and shirt from Dent De Men, Item M6 socks, Kickers shoes; Tiger of Sweden blazer, Duchamp pocket square and tie, Kaushal Niraula shirt, Krisvanassche trousers, Louis Leeman shoes; Wood Wood hat, Natural Selection suit and shirt, John Varvatos shoes

Christopher Shannon jumper, Frescobol Carioca shirt, Soulland trousers

Peckham Rye bow tie, Barbour shirt, Original Penguin trousers; Christopher Shannon jumper, Frescobol Carioca shirt; T-shirt and shirt Kenzo, The Kooples trousers

Tiger of Sweden coat, John Varvatos shirt, Peter Jensen trousers; Natural Selection jacket, Richard James pocket square, John Varvatos shirt, Topman shorts; Wood Wood jacket, Barbour shirt, Peter Jensen trousers