Fuck Your End Of Year Lists, These Are The Only Reviews Mac DeMarco Should Care About

“Hi buttcheek! I’m selling an old pair of shoes!” were the words that buck-teethed snot-nosed breakout star Mac DeMarco tweeted over the Christmas vacation, before putting a pair of his stinky, rotting Vans on eBay.

The shoes ended up selling for a whopping $21,000 (£13,800)—the equivalent of 4,600 Tesco meal deals or one month’s rent on a penthouse in Central London. That seems a hefty amount. Mac DeMarco isn’t John Lennon, he’s just a kid with a cute smile and a penchant for sticking drumsticks up his butt. At best, it’s a shaky investment, whoever parted with their cash must hope that DeMarco has not reached his premiership musically, that one day those shoes could be worth as much as say, Harry Styles vomit.

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Last year, Mac released his third record, Salad Days. It had largely positive reviews which ruminated at length over his stoned, dream-pop abyss. Like all reviews, a lot of them used long words, were injected with personal opinion. None of them offered a clear perspective on whether Mac DeMarco delivers high-quality products on time and as described.

To judge Mac DeMarco by those metrics, you need to look no further than his eBay account. For example:

A review of Mac DeMarco by Pitchfork says: “There’s little here to justify DeMarco’s reputation for divisiveness. “Detractors,” as Steven Hyden put it for Wondering Sound, “tend to regard him as some kind of bullshit artist, a quintessential hipster doofus slumming it under the ironic guise of a hippy dirtbag who gleefully covers Limp Bizkit in concert.”

A review of Mac DeMarco by eBay user 56dodgeroyal says:

You just can’t put a price on that concision. You could say that’s the most accurate review of Mac DeMarco in existence.

When you strip away the dispensable nuances and assumption of personal opinion, it’s clear Mac DeMarco is a product of immaculate conception. Just take a look at the difference between these two reviews:

NME‘s review: “Sweet, soulful little man that he is, Mac knows better than to let his bellyaching get in the way of everyone else’s good time.”

tomtop_shop’s review:

You see that little star next to tomtop_shop’s username? That’s a motif of trust. It’s a sign that you can rely on tomtop_shop’s review because not only does he have integrity, he’s got 45,317 people who can vouch for his strong, but fair conviction on the product Mac DeMarco is delivering.

Anyone can get a 10.0 from Pitchfork on the basis of one record, but Mac DeMarco has 100% positive feedback and that means he’s a great guy who has sold a lot of products fairly and honestly, week in, week out.

Ryan Bassil is on Twitter.

Listen to the Salad Days Demo album below. It’s wonderful.