You Gave Us Webbys!

Last week we presented you with a simple choice: stroke our ego by voting for us in the Webbys, or murder us. That might have seemed drastic, but we needed validation that you people are picking up what we’re putting down because the only consistent interaction we have with you is in the comments section, according to which we are either a) so, like, ten years ago, b) dickless arseholes, or c) a front organisation for the NSA.

So it is with great sincerity that we say thank you for giving us these big metal springs. We will be displaying them proudly next to the other big metal springs that you have given us in years past. And if you’re wondering what the end game is with all of these things, here’s your answer. Now click on the winners below and watch the embedded video to be reminded of why you voted for us.

Videos by VICE

VICE News // News & Politics Series
– Webby Winner
– People’s Voice

The Mexican Mormon War // News & Politics Individual Episode
– Webby Winner
– People’s Voice

The Creators Project // Branded Content
– People’s Voice

The Creators Project // Art Website
– Webby Winner
– People’s Voice