Capricorn, May 2017

Your inky-black soul can’t help but lighten up during Taurus season (April 19 to May 20), as the Sun shines on the sector of your chart that rules romance, having fun, and creative expression! Early May is flirty as fuck—new crushes are likely to develop. You’re in the mood to party and spend time with the people you love.

Mercury is retrograde, making you nostalgic as hell, but don’t worry: Mercury goes direct soon, May 3! Finally, you’ll stop running into ghosts from the past, and hopefully, you’ll stop losing your keys. (You’ve been pretty forgetful lately.) Things will straighten out once Mercury goes direct, especially with your home and family life, themes that were affected by the retrograde during the last two weeks or so.

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The full moon in Scorpio arrives May 10, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your social life, and the communities you belong to, as well as your hopes and dreams. Do you feel like you fit in? More important, do you like your friends, Capricorn (honestly)? Do they share your vision of the future, and do they cheer you on as you pursue your dreams?

If problems have been bubbling beneath the surface in your friendships or in the groups you belong to, this full moon, in intense and emotional Water sign Scorpio, will blow things up. Scorpio’s energy isn’t confrontational in an over-the-top way, but a full moon in this sign will trigger things to get real; it will force you to face the truth about your friendships.

Early May is flirty as fuck—new crushes are likely to develop. You’re in the mood to party and spend time with the people you love.

May 11, and the surrounding days, is a time to mark on your calendar. Mars, in Gemini, squares (a stressful astrological aspect) Neptune, in Pisces, and Mercury, in Aries, trines (an easy astrological aspect) your ruling planet, Saturn, in Sagittarius.

The energy is confusing, and sadly, you’ll have to watch for liars and vengeful people. Avoid frenemies today—especially people you’re fake-nice to while you’re at work or doing chores.

Fortunately, the harmonious connection between Mercury and Saturn will bode well for getting work done. Need to talk to someone you trust? Mercury and Saturn suggest you spend time with your elders—people who’ve been through some shit and are comfortable being honest with you about what you may be blind to. Sometimes we need outside perspective.

Messenger planet Mercury enters fellow Earth sign Taurus on May 15, or May 16, depending on your time zone, entering the fun and romance sector of your chart, and delivering you invitations to parties and flirtatious messages. A crush from mid-April could return to your life, or some art you were inspired to make last month, that you put on the back burner, will finally get your attention.

If problems have been bubbling beneath the surface in your friendships or in the groups you belong to, this full moon will blow things up.

Your ruling planet, Saturn, makes a harmonious connection to electric Uranus, in Aries, on May 18, West Coast, May 19, East Coast, which will be exciting! This is a powerful time for letting go of pain and healing—take a risk; it will do you good! The universe is sending you supportive, stabilizing energy.

The Sun enters Air sign Gemini on May 20, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your day job, your health, and your daily habits. This is a brilliant time to get organized and tackle your to-do list. Expect some magic as you run your errands during Gemini season, Capricorn. In fact, this is a splendid time to do spiritual work since incorporating new rituals will feel natural. Perhaps start meditating for five minutes each morning?

The new moon in Gemini, on May 25, will bring a fresh start to how you take care of both business and your body. If you need to rework your schedule, or start a new health routine, now is a great time. A new pet could also enter your life!

But May 25 also brings a clash between sweet Venus and power planet Pluto, so expect deep issues to come to the surface. The energy is transformative; however, change usually brings out people’s insecurities. This is a time to be clear about your boundaries. There’s a possessive, even obsessive atmosphere, and people’s insecurities and power issues are being stirred up. Relationships that were built on rocky ground will be tested.

Venus is in Fire sign Aries, keeping things warm and cozy in the home and family sector of your chart—this has been a lovely time for sprucing up your home, connecting with the people you live with, and, emotionally, for reflecting on your boundaries. (So, like I said, now it’s super important that you stand up for them! Don’t be a pushover!)

The new moon in Gemini, on May 25, will bring a fresh start to how you take care of both business and your body.

You’re craving security—and when Venus clashes with Pluto, you’ll learn exactly who you can trust. Like I said, this is a time for emotional transformation; however, it could also be coupled with a few goodbyes.

Mars in Gemini opposes your ruling planet, Saturn, in Sagittarius, on May 28, West Coast, May 29, East Coast. How hard are you working, Capricorn? Take a break—if you don’t, some less-than-chill situations are sure to come up. People are aggravated, frustrated, overcome by obstacles. Take it slow, and better yet, spend some time alone.

Things will pick up again on May 20, when Mars, in Gemini, makes a connection to brilliant, electric Uranus in Fire sign Aries. This will benefit you—you’ll get organized, come up with creative solutions to improve your day-to-day life, and complete projects at home. But some mundane busywork is exactly what you need to clear your head after a frustrating few days!

After you’re done with your work, make time for a soul-cleansing ritual bath, or if you’re in a fancy mood, a day at the spa—you deserve pampering, Capricorn! See you in June!