April’s full moon in Libra, which is 2023’s Full Pink Moon, takes place shortly after midnight, eastern time, on April 6. According to the farmer’s almanac, April’s full moon is called the Pink Moon in honor of the flowers that begin to bloom in early spring, in particular, pink moss.
In general, full moons can bring information to light, serve as moments of release, and prompt us to create more balance in our lives. As this particular full moon occurs in Libra, the sign of the scales, it emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony even more. During this period, some key themes to contemplate could be moderation, patience, and teamwork. Let’s take a look at what the full moon in Libra represents, what this year’s Full Pink Moon in Libra is all about, and how your zodiac sign may be impacted.
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What does the full moon in Libra mean?
Full moons take place when the sun and moon are in opposite zodiac signs, so a full moon in Libra can only occur during Aries season. This is our first clue as to what this full moon is all about! The sun symbolizes ego and vitality, and in fire sign Aries, the energy is all about “me!” But the moon, a symbol of emotion and change, has a different message in Libra: “we!” So this is a significant moment for confrontation, collaboration, and compromise. As the self-centered focus of Aries season breaks, the full moon in Libra commands consideration for others.
It’s not that Aries people are self-centered—Aries season is merely a time for all of us, regardless of our zodiac signs, to zero in on the self. Likewise, Libra people aren’t wholly obsessed with partnership, even if they do love to flirt, connect, and enjoy relationships—it’s more important that the full moon in Libra is a time for learning more about other people’s perspectives. Information frequently comes to light during full moons, and we may gain a special glimpse into how other people feel during this time.
The scales symbolize Libra: this zodiac sign is closely tied to balance, fairness, and justice. So full moons in Libra can be pivotal moments for creating peace and harmony. Full moons can also be very emotional periods: Libra is a cool, intellectual air sign, and we may be working with the feelings that come up in a more detached, intellectual manner than we perhaps had been during fiery Aries season.
Finally, full moons are famously periods of endings or release. While the sun in impulsive Aries may wave goodbye to a situation without much thought, the full moon in Libra invites us to consider whether a compromise is possible or if a more thoughtful goodbye ceremony could be had.
What’s special about this year’s Full Pink Moon in Libra?
During this full moon, the sun approaches a conjunction with lucky Jupiter in Aries, inspiring an expansive atmosphere, and great opportunities may arise! Conjunctions are when two or more planets meet at the same degree of the zodiac. And if the sun is conjunct a planet during a full moon, that means the moon is in opposition to that planet, offering a very different perspective! Conjunctions symbolize new beginnings, so the sun conjunct Jupiter could point to new opportunities and a renewed sense of confidence! But, oppositions point to a climax taking place, and the moon opposite Jupiter could be a big show of emotions. The new adventures we embark on at this time could also spell big feelings surfacing in our partnerships and within ourselves. If you’re making a big move, don’t be surprised if you get a big response.
Venus in Gemini approaches a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, which could mean that some relationships may be entering a very hot and heavy zone. This could be a very passionate full moon for those who are willing to “go there” and be vulnerable… with the right partner. This isn’t the time to trust blindly: while trines symbolize harmony and an east connection between planets, Pluto still expects you to be aware of red flags and to see them as warning signs to walk away, not invitations to step forward. Engage in a situation that’s silly for you to participate in, and this Venus/Pluto alignment may gently—or jarringly—remind you that it’s time to give up that old dream and move on. This is a full moon (release!) in Libra (the sign of relationships!), and Pluto is the planet of change and transformation: now is not the time to cling to the past but to release partnerships that aren’t working. If you embrace healthy relationships, this alignment may prove deeply transformative, and if you’re with a healthy partner, it could be an incredible time to bond.
Mars approaches a sextile to Mercury, which could find communication moving along swiftly. Sextiles are helpful alignments, inspiring communication and collaboration. Mars is the planet of action, and Mercury of communication, so people’s actions could really align with their words at this time!
How will April’s full moon affect each zodiac sign?
April’s Full Pink Moon may be especially impactful for Libras and Aries! Typically cool, calm, and collected air sign Libra could be prone to big displays of emotion at this time, and Aries may need to reckon with the results of any rash decisions they have made. But both could find a powerful equilibrium at this time, too.
The Full Pink Moon could also challenge cancers and Capricorns: both of these signs may be called to create better work/life balances, with Capricorn perhaps focusing on creating a better relationship with the public (maybe by limiting what they share with their fans or followers, or by simply embracing the spotlight!), and Cancer could be invited to get clear on what they need at home or in their personal life to feel more safe, secure, and comfortable.
Leo and Sagittarius may feel incredibly productive during the Full Pink Moon, their social and love lives may be very busy, and creative breakthroughs could take place!
Taurus could be prodded out of their luxuriating to focus on their responsibilities during this time, while Scorpio could be invited to slow down and rest during April’s full moon.
Virgo and Pisces’ focus could be on money matters and fair give-and-take in relationships.
Gemini and Aquarius may be enjoying communication breakthroughs: Information they’ve been seeking could finally arrive.
No matter your zodiac sign, the full moon in Libra calls us to look at our relationships. This could be a powerful time to transform dynamics, share our appreciation and feelings, and bring partnerships that are no longer right for us to a close. New relationships could bloom, too: this is the Pink Moon, after all. Spring is here, the sun is meeting with Jupiter, and new opportunities abound!
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