
Guys, Does Anybody Know What Drake’s New “BBK” Tattoo Stands For?

Word online is your boy Drake has a new tattoo. This morning a picture of the letters “bbk” inked in medieval gothic font on what appears to be the top of Drizzy’s left arm materialized on Instagram. As we all know, Drake fucking loves his arms—even more than he loves drinking too much and making ill advised phonecalls to previous lovers – so whatever it represents must be hella close to his heart. But what does it mean? What could “bbk” possibly stand for? What does Drake love so much that he would get it tattooed on his arm? We looked it up on the internet and Wikipedia produced many possible answers:

  • Birkbeck, University of London.
  • Chinese electronics producer, BBK Electronics.
  • Big Bull King, a boss in the Japanese role-playing videogame Okage: Shadow King.
  • The famous American blues singer, songwriter, and guitarist, B.B. King.
  • Brønshøj BK, a Danish football club from Copenhagen.
  • “B.B.K. (Big Black Kock)”, a song by nu metal sensation Korn for their 1998 album Follow the Leader.
  • The Soviet Library-Bibliographic Classification (abbreviated BBK after its Russian name).
  • Barclays Bank of Kenya.
  • Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance in Germany.

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What do you think, guys? Drop us a line on Twitter, @NoiseyMusic and let us know!

In the meantime watch this teaser video for our forthcoming Skepta documentary Top Boy which follows the grime star around North America, ending at the huge OVO festival in Toronto.

What does it all mean???