
Here Are a Bunch of Passed Out Punks

Every year, the punx of the planet congregate on Las Vegas and have themselves a punk rock vacay known as Punk Rock Bowling. Three days of drinking, mohawks, bands, drinking, pool parties, gambling, and drinking. Not sure if we mentioned, but there’s drinking going on. Naturally, hot Nevada sun + beer + 12 hour days = a few dehydrated punks sprawled out on the street, as they are wont to do. One Instagram account, Passed Out Punx, has collected a few of these poor mohawked casualties (not to be confused with The Casualties, who did not play this year) and put them all together. Let’s pour one out for these guys and gals who didn’t make it. (Which is a bummer because Rancid played …And Out Come The Wolves start to finish and it was tight as hell.)

Once more to spread the word: We have decided to have a fun little scavenger hunt. Over time, we have received submissions of the same passed out punk. We would like to keep this tradition alive. This year, the first person to spot this scholar/ gentleman in any state (passed out or awake) and get us the picture to prove it, wins a prize. First, we need to know its current so you better get creative for proof. Second this person will win the BYO records CD/ DVD book courtesy of @PassedOutPunx. If this lad is not in attendance, the winner will be best photo received. Don’t forget: hotel rooms do not count. Happy hunting and share this with friends!

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Just one more day, folks! Hope you’re ready! Thanks to @lindseyaferguson for the submission! Also, see our previous post for the upcoming contest! #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Another submission with our FAVORITE passed out punk. This one comes from @whiskeychristie #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Special thanks to the guy in the Carson Tower of the Nugget for giving this guy some water and a pillow! We take care of our own! On to the official first day! #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

CLOCK IT. 4:45pm! Might be a new record! This one discovered by one of our own @girlafraid so we expect you all to step your game up! #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

The curators had a great first night discovering #passedoutpunx … A Krum Bum of all people! #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Hard at work at the Plaza because that stage isn’t gonna build itself! Discovered by @danozzi #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Submitted by @muhrissafelix. Plaza pool party. Too much party and its only 2:00. #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Fun fact: your friends might be dicks. Advise: stay woke. From @jacki_curley #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Yet another submission from the fest! #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Shout out to @chopsmustdie for getting caught sleeping by @jtroglin ! Atta boy! #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Day 2 winding down. Hope you’re all in safe hands! If not, @louielouie69 has you covered! #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

@ando_tattoo getting ballsy! I love it! #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Backstage bar last night -tagged by @vaticant_city_hearse #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

Never let pizza go. Never. From @vicioussss #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

@destroindustries spotted that last ditch effort to get in the room. #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

From @deedledanae. Literally knocking it outta the park. #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on

@chasmcneely showing us another fantastic angle of the winning Passed Out Punk: “Dirt Nap”! #punkindrublic #passedoutpunk #passedoutpunx #punkrock #punkrockbowling #prb #punksnotdeaditsjustpassedout #passedoutpunx #passedoutpunks #upthepunx

A photo posted by Passed Out Punx (@passedoutpunx) on