“Knitted” Glass Is Both Cozy—And Delicate

We’ve seen embroidery and napalm, now we see knitted glass. Carol Milne‘s logic-defying sculpture look like expert yarn creations. Milne invented the process of knitting glass, which incorporates the techniques of lost-wax casting, mold-making, kiln-casting, and, of course, knitting. The complex and lengthy process is described in detail from start to finish in Carol Milne Knitted Glass: How Does She Do That?

Carol Milne from Heather DiPietro on Vimeo.

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Milne has worked with bronze and other traditional sculpting materials, but she favors glass because, she says, “it can take on an infinite number of forms and textures. It can show an interior image and an exterior image simultaneously. It’s translucent and transparent. It plays with light. It looks cool when it’s hot.” The knitted glass sculptures are colorful and intricate, and leave the viewer clamoring for an explanation circumspectly provided by glass knitting needles or transforming human hands. Something that usually connotes coziness and warmth is now associated with fragility and danger, a juxtaposition that makes it all the more compelling.   

Wrap your head around these fascinating constructions:


Made to Measure


Go Knit Yourself




Strike A Balance

This Is Your Brain On Knitting

Three-way Split

Wabi Sabi


Turning Brainwaves Into Knitted Patterns

Meet the Artist Making Glass Coral Reefs

Hacking Sewing Machines To “Glitch Knit” With Nukeme