
Listen to the Nightmarish New Album From Dutch Extremists Nihill

Roadburn-affiliated Dutch label Burning World Records prides itself on its eclectic, hard-hitting roster; Jarboe records cozy up to releases from Conan, Black Magician, and Lustmord, and Gnaw Their Tongues shares shelf space with Vattnet Viskar. Even so, one has to wonder if even they knew what kind of evil they were letting loose upon this earth when they aligned themselves with the occult noise terrorists in Nihill.

Nihill shares members with Terzij de Horde, Dodecahedron, and Anaphylactic Shock; these three bands are certainly well-versed in extremity, but Nihill is on a whole ‘nother level. Their harrowing blend of black metal, noise, drone, and martial industrial screams with feedback and howls mockery at the cross. The dissonant, hyper-complex compositions they create are suffocating, abrasive, and almost overwhelmingly intense. They hammer down any semblance of melody or atmosphere, preferring to sow pure chaos and discord. At times, the songs feel as claustrophobic as the small, smoke-filled rooms Nihilll uses for its rare live rituals. It’s downright masochistic, and it’s fucking incredible.

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The band’s fourth full-length, Verderf, just came out today. Listen to the whole goddamn thing below, and may god have mercy on your blighted soul,

Verderf is now available from Burning World Records—US acolytes can grab a copy here.

Kim Kelly is practicing her Dutch on Twitter.