
Trump’s Former Lawyer Is Now Thrashing to a Punk Band Called Copstabber

On Saturday night, punk band Copstabber, known for hits like “Butt Drugs,” “Dick Farmer,” and “Fuck School, Stay in Drugs,” played a show at a rock and roll bar in Washington, DC. The crowd looked about how you’d expect—tattooed kids in denim vests and band T-shirts, mostly—until partway through the set, Ty Cobb, the mustachioed attorney who formerly headed up Trump’s legal response to the Mueller investigation, walked in.

According to the Washington Post, Cobb showed up to DC’s Slash Run with about a dozen people in formalwear, plopped himself down in a booth, and started going harder than that time current Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani let loose in Israel. Photographer Chris Suspect, who snapped a few photos of Cobb, told the Post the attorney was thrashing to the music—playing a little air guitar, pumping his fists, and going particularly wild for a song called “I Like Cocaine.” The refrain on that one: “I take a whiff, I feel like a pimp / but I wish it didn’t make my dick go limp.”

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“He was definitely rocking out,” Suspect told the Post. “He had his hands in the air.”

Suspect told the Post he heard Cobb and his buddies had just come from a wedding nearby, and apparently wanted to have a post-game that was lit as all hell. It seems like they probably didn’t do too much digging into Copstabber, a band that’s decidedly anti-Trump, just judging by a few of their concert posters.

Politics aside, Cobb and Copstabber had a hell of a time together, according to the band’s frontman, Dave Poole.

“I threw beer on him, called him ‘whiskers,’ got a high five from him,” he wrote on Facebook. “I just thought he was an old wildman but it turns out he is a RICH old wildman!”

According to Poole, Cobb left the venue right around the time the band launched into “Butt Drugs,” which might have been just a notch too intense for a 68-year-old. You can’t really blame him—the line “I wanna shove pills up my butt and squeeze real tight so it won’t stop” is a lot for anyone to handle.

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