
We Investigate the Right to Die Debate on the New Episode of ‘VICE’ on HBO

This Friday, February 19, HBO will air another episode from season four of VICE’s Emmy-winning show. Last week, we followed Syria’s refugee crisis, as well as the global reaction to the devastating Paris terror attacks. This week, VICE explores the moral, political, and personal issues surrounding when and how we end our lives.

When California enacted the End of Life Option Act last October amid fierce debate, the number of terminally ill Americans with the right to a doctor-assisted death effectively quadrupled. But in parts of Europe, euthanasia is administered far beyond the terminally ill, including those with autism, depression, and personality disorders. VICE’s Vikram Gandhi talks with people on both sides of the heated debate surrounding the right to die.

Videos by VICE

Watch a trailer for Friday’s episode above, and keep an eye out for the rest of season four, airing every Friday night at 11 PM, exclusively on HBO.

If you’re desperately in need of more VICE episodes to carry you through the week, you can rewatch our entire third season online now.