The Writing-Cute-Things... Issue

  • The River Styx Is Full of Booze

    Photographer Casper Dalhoff recently spent some time in a Copenhagen institution for chronic alcoholics.

  • Snap Happy

    New York artist Jamie Livingston took a Polaroid photograph every day of his life for 18 years, between 1979 and 1997, with a Polaroid SX-70 camera. He called the project “Photo of the Day."

  • Freak Scene

    You will almost certainly have seen images from the Burns Archive, most likely in books such as Death Scenes. But the archive of Dr. Stanley Burns covers far more than forensics and violence.

  • Northern Lights

    Fresh off an assignment documenting young girls working as prostitutes in the Czech Republic, she returned to her native Denmark eager to investigate the suicide epidemic plaguing teenage Inuits.

  • Hello Titty

    A while back, PETA, made all the "weird news" columns in the US by suggesting that Ben & Jerry's should use breast milk, like the kind your mum fed you from her mum tits, instead of cow milk.

  • A Nice, Thick, Uncut 12-inch Shroom

    There is a mythical shroom that is unlike any other shroom. For, you see, this mushroom looks like a penis—not just a little bit like a penis, as many mushrooms do, but exactly like a penis.

  • The Biggest Comic Book Ever

    In early 2000, a husky Los Angeles fellow named Sammy Harkham threw together a comics zine with some of his friends and gave it the weird, possibly very pretentious name of Kramers Ergot.

  • Body Farm

    Dr. Bill Bass has twice the energy of a man half his age and possesses a warm, welcoming demeanor—not what one might expect from someone whose life’s work is dedicated to the study of rotting corpses.

  • Embedded

    In the summer of 2008, photographer Pieter-Jan De Pue sent us an email asking if he could give Vice’s contact information to the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.

  • Feral Beasts

    For the camel, Australia’s vast tracts of inhospitable wastelands turned out to be a smorgasbord of thistles, weeds and prickly acacias, food that native animals wouldn’t look twice at.

  • Northern Lights

    Fresh off an assignment documenting young girls working as prostitutes in the Czech Republic, she returned to her native Denmark eager to investigate the suicide epidemic plaguing teenage Inuits.

  • A Nice, Thick, Uncut 12-inch Shroom

    There is a mythical shroom that is unlike any other shroom. For, you see, this mushroom looks like a penis—not just a little bit like a penis, as many mushrooms do, but exactly like a penis.