What Kids Hate

Photo by the author

Lula is a seven-year-old Manhattanite. She recently took time off from school and hanging out with her little brother to address the pertinent issues of her day with Vice.

VICE: What do you hate?
Lula: When my friends call me a loser. I also hated when I cut my finger. That’s the worst possible thing that ever happened to me. I hate my scar.

Do you hate any people?
Sometimes I feel like I hate my friend Charley, because she’s always like, “That’s so unfair, wah wah wah,” so I’ll be like, “You’re just so weird, I hate you.” And lots of other kids think that, too.

Anybody else?
Leah. She’s really moany and groany. If you give her a hug when she’s not expecting it, she’ll cry and get really, really snarly.

What do you hate to study at school?
That’s a tough one. I like most of it. I do hate it when they ask us to do stuff like write the date like “9/29/04″—that’s like the worst thing they could ever do. Because I would like to do “September 29th, 2004,” because it’s a lot easier because then you don’t have to just write “slash, slash, slash, slash, slash” all the time. But they ask you to do it their way. I hate that.

What foods do you hate?
Sushi. I don’t like sushi or tomatoes. Or seaweed, but seaweed is practically sushi. Also, not scrambled eggs, but the egg with the yolk in the middle. It’s disgusting.

What movies do you hate?
I don’t like Beauty and the Beast that much, and I don’t like Flubber. I also don’t like Winnie the Pooh, because I think it’s for baby kids and it’s just not that interesting to me. I’m more interested in The Horse Whisperer or Annie or Little Shop of Horrors.

What politicians do you hate?
George W. Bush. That’s probably the person I would most hate. Wait, no, the other guy whose name I can never remember. Men Laden, or whatever—Osadem Men Laden. But number one is George W. Bush, because he causes wars and all he wants is money and oil and he’s not a nice person. And the other one whose name I can’t remember does even worse stuff. He sent that plane to crash into the Twin Towers and he’s the boss of people who want to kill theirselves.

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“Hey Lula, what politicians do you hate?” Flash 7