
Nintendo Switch 2 Will Do for Indies What Steam Did on PC

Nintendo has the opportunity to represent a massive shift in console and indie gaming with Switch 2. And I hope they take advantage.

Screenshot: YouTube/Nintendo of America

Now that we have our first official look at the Nintendo Switch 2, we can start really breaking down some of the stuff that’s there. Obviously, the bigger screen and bigger Joy-Cons (thank GOD) are selling points. But the most interesting of the new functions is the rumored mouse-like functionality that pops up in the trailer.

The Big N is no stranger to innovative concepts in their controllers. The N64’s Z-Button and analog stick, the Wiimote, The Wii U Gamepad, they’ve done it all. Or at least I thought they had. Seeing those Joy-Cons zoom across the screen, gliding on the surface like a gaming mouse, I can’t help but get excited about not only what this means for gaming as a whole, but indie gaming in particular.

Videos by VICE


It’s no secret we love indies here. And while we play them wherever, the majority of our time goes to gaming on PC through Steam. It’s just easier for us — and developers as well. Most of these games are made with a keyboard and mouse setup in mind, though they do offer controller functionality. In some cases, the controller is best, and in others, the keyboard and mouse lead the pack.

An image of what appears to be a new Mario Kart game on the Nintendo Switch 2
Screenshot: Nintendo

What strikes me, though, is the Wishlist system on Steam. This is how developers know you really want their game; it’s an important metric for them on that platform. But what if they no longer have to limit themselves to just that? With the Switch 2 supposedly taking on some level of mouse functionality, could we see developers making Nintendo their console of choice outside of Steam? Imagine having that double-up opportunity.

That’s a whole new base of players you can reach with your indie game without having to make wholesale changes to your control scheme out the gate. Games like The Holy Gosh Darn would KILL on the Switch. Mouthwashing would go crazy, too. And you wouldn’t even have to sacrifice the Steam base because even now, console gaming and PC gaming are still fairly separate.


Nintendo — if this is the idea — just pulled a Heath Ledger Joker move in the gaming space. All three companies have embraced the indies to an extent, but this is a game changer in the indie world. This is something that could lead to a serious amount of growth in the gaming industry. These smaller studios or solo devs have a huge potential opportunity here to change the way we game. The Switch 2 just may be this generation’s fierce indie machine, and I sincerely hope it is.