Entertainment The Artist Hits Rock Bottom in This Week’s Comic from Anna Haifisch By Anna Haifisch December 3, 2015, 1:19pm Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard Look at AnnaHaifisch’s art and comics on her website and Twitter. MoreFrom VICE The 50 Best Christmas Songs of All Time 12.13.23 By Lauren O'Neill and VICE Staff A Private Island, Downloads From God, and the ‘Couples Ruse’: Inside the Dangerous World of Tim Ballard’s Operation Underground Railroad 11.16.23 By Tim Marchman and Anna Merlan The Global Hunt for ‘Narco Millennial’ Sebastián Marset 09.25.23 By Nathaniel Janowitz This Week’s Coolest Drops, From a New Burrow Sofa to Padma’s Umamicart Haul 09.14.23 By Becca Blasdel