
Weekly Horoscope: January 12-18

The first full Moon of the year reaches its peak fullness in its native domain, Cancer, on Monday. How will your sign fare, stargazer?

Illustration by Reesa

The first full Moon of the year reaches its peak fullness in its native domain, Cancer, on Monday. This potent lunar phase heightens emotions and increases sensitivity, which can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how you react to these stimuli. Full Moons are a time for gathering clarity, making resolutions, and closing run-on chapters once and for all. Shortly after reaching its brightest phase, the Moon treks across Cancer to form a conjunction with Mars retrograde, which joined Cancer recently.

Mars retrograde slows things down whether we like it or not. Paired with a full Moon, which is typically action-oriented, this cosmic occurrence seems to indicate a need to resolve and move on from emotionally trying situations and conflicts. Pushing through for the sake of pushing through isn’t as beneficial as we’d like to think, stargazer. There is a fine line between resilience and unnecessary martyrdom.

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How will your sign fare this week?

Aries glyph  weekly horoscope

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Your cosmic forecast for the week begins with a significant alignment in Cancer as your ruling planet, Mars retrograde, conjoins with the nearly full Moon. A full Moon (or full-ish, as is the case on Tuesday) is powerful in its own right. But in its native domain, the Moon’s influence over our emotional state becomes even stronger. Its conjunction with your ruling planet places these feelings front and center. 

A direct opposition of Mars to the Sun as the latter celestial body crosses from Capricorn to Aquarius turns up the heat even more in the second half of the week. Mars retrograde’s challenging effects on the ego-driven Sun can usher in an unhelpful all-or-nothing mentality. Life is rarely as simple as black and white, Aries.

Aries monthly horoscope

Taurus glyphs  weekly horoscope

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

All cosmic signs point to budgeting and discipline this week, Taurus. Your ruling planet, Venus, spends the next seven days trekking through Pisces until it forms a potent conjunction with Saturn by the weekend. Venus’ domain over love and finances and Saturn’s disciplinarian influence suggests a celestial push toward managing your investments, making plans for the future, and, most importantly, working through the discomfort sometimes required for us to follow through on our goals and visions.

This conjunction of Venus and Saturn also forms a favorable sextile with Mercury, providing much-needed positive energy in this endeavor. Your head is in the right place, and you have the tools (emotional and otherwise) to handle the challenges ahead. Be confident in your pursuits.

Taurus monthly horoscope

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Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Your ruling planet, Mercury, follows Venus’ path one celestial domain over in Pisces until it forms a positive sextile with a Venus and Saturn conjunction by the weekend. Don’t be afraid to trust your instincts regarding your emotional and financial investments at this time. Sextiles aren’t the most active cosmic alignments, but it certainly provides amicable energy toward your pursuits in these areas. 

A challenging square between Mercury and Makemake in Capricorn and Libra, respectively, presents the potential for greater conflict in the middle of the week. How you want to help isn’t always the way that’s most needed, Gemini. Be careful not to let your ego mislead you into thinking that you always know best, no matter what.

Gemini monthly horoscope

Cancer glyph  weekly horoscope

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

The week begins with the first full Moon of the year reaching its peak in your celestial domain, its native cosmic territory. Full Moons are potent enough on their own. But in Cancer, your emotional sensitivity is at its rawest. There is great power to yield here, stargazer. Use this energy while it’s here. Explore curious feelings. Ask questions. Find closure. But remember that you might not always like what you find. 

By the weekend, the waning gibbous Moon forms a direct opposition with a conjunction between Saturn and Venus under Pisces. This combination emphasizes a need to practice discipline in areas of emotional and financial investments. If something doesn’t feel right, then it’s certainly worth a second look, Cancer.

Cancer monthly horoscope

Leo glyph  weekly horoscope

Leo: July 23 – August 22

Your ruling celestial body, the Sun, eases into a direct opposition with Mars retrograde in Cancer. As the latter planetary retrograde slows things down and forces us to confront weak spots of our personal foundations head-on, the ego-driven Sun heightens sensitivity toward criticism and success. This kind of proud motivation can lend itself to a tremendous work ethic when wielded wisely. 

However, this kind of self-focused energy can also create unnecessary drama and insecurity. The stars urge you not to take upcoming challenges as personal affronts, Leo. We all have to learn some of life’s lessons the hard way. This is neither a cosmic punishment nor a sign that you’re inherently deserving of this hardship. Use this experience to your advantage.

Leo monthly horoscope

Virgo glyph  weekly horoscope

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Mercury forms a challenging square with Makemake by the end of the week, creating conflict between your inner self and your surrounding environment. This kind of instability will inevitably leak into other areas of your life, no matter how hard you try to prevent it from happening, Virgo. Sometimes, we must examine our place in our social and professional surroundings to determine if we’re on the life path. 

If the discoveries you find in these pursuits discontent you, use these feelings to your advantage and look for alternatives. Mercury’s positive sextile with a Venus-Saturn conjunction offers a celestial boost of clarity and communicative power. Periods of growth are often uncomfortable, Virgo. Focus on the experience you’re gaining, not the discomfort.

Virgo monthly horoscope

Libra glyph  weekly horoscope

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Your ruling planet flies closer to a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces until this potent alignment finally locks into place by the weekend. Venus’ domain over love and finances colors the obligations felt by Saturn’s disciplinarian energy. With both celestial bodies’ influence strengthening the other, now is an ideal time to reanalyze your emotional and financial investments. Your resources are finite, Libra.

As such, it’s critical that you dole them out wisely. A little bit of mindfulness over your spending can go a long way. The waning gibbous Moon offers greater emotional clarity by Saturday, when it forms a direct opposition with Venus and Saturn’s conjunction in Virgo and Pisces, respectively. But remember, stargazer: reaping cosmic rewards requires a respect of cosmic guidance.

Libra monthly horoscope

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Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

A nearly full Moon directly opposes your ruling planet, Pluto, early in the week. This cosmic standoff comes on the heels of the long-held opposition between Pluto and Mars retrograde. As the effects of this previous alignment continue to wane throughout the week, the waning lunar phase calls you to reflect on the lessons these experiences have to offer. Otherwise, what’s the point of going through them, Scorpio?

You’re making significant progress. The stars urge you to keep this momentum and resist the temptation to overthink things. It isn’t a freak coincidence that things are suddenly working out for you. It’s time for you to start reaping the fruits of your labor. You certainly deserve it, stargazer.

Scorpio monthly horoscope

Sagittarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Your cosmic forecast for the week begins with a tense square between Venus and your ruling planet, Jupiter retrograde, signaling conflict in areas of love and finance. Relationships and investments might feel a bit stagnant during this time, but you mustn’t let these feelings dishearten you completely. Pay attention to the things that seem to bring friction. You’ll know it when you feel it, stargazer. 

Letting go of the parts of your life that are becoming problematic will be easier said than done, as signaled by a square between the waning gibbous Moon and your ruling planet. The most difficult decisions are often ones that we know the solution for, but we’re unhappy with what that solution looks like, Sagittarius.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope

Capricorn glyph  weekly horoscope

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

A potent conjunction between your ruling planet, Saturn, and Venus locks into place by the end of the week, placing a particular emphasis on financial and emotional responsibility. Now is an ideal time to assess whether these duties still align with your values and availability. Keep an open mind to the answers that feel the most authentic, even if they’re not the ones you think you should have.

This powerful conjunction forms a direct opposition to the waning gibbous Moon under Virgo and Pisces. As the revealing glow of this shrinking lunar phase highlights habits, behaviors, or relationships that no longer serve us, the disciplinarian influence of your ruling planet encourages you to be brave and let them go, Capricorn.

Capricorn monthly horoscope

Aquarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Your ruling planet, Uranus, forms two coinciding alignments with Mars retrograde and the waning gibbous Moon midweek. Its sextile with Mars retrograde lends an innovative spirit to upcoming challenges and hardships. This cosmic alignment indicates that the way forward won’t be found within the confines of your comfort zone, Aquarius. Uranus retrograde encourages us to dig deep and explore possibilities we’ve written off out of fear, bitterness, or some combination of the two.

Of course, letting go of the assumption that your way is the right way can be a lengthy process. Give yourself breathing room as you adjust to these new realities. The square between the waning gibbous Moon and Jupiter retrograde places our preconceived beliefs and the truth at odds.

Aquarius monthly horoscope

Pisces glyph weekly horoscope

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Your ruling planet, Neptune, eases into an auspicious trine with Mars retrograde in Pisces and Cancer. As the red planet’s retrograde urges us to dive deeper into rough patches for deeper, more substantial root causes, Neptune boosts intuition and sensitivity to negative energy. Listen to your internal emotional cues, Pisces. Our subconscious often picks up on important cues before our conscious minds.

Early in the week, Neptune also forms a favorable sextile with the ego-driven Sun in Capricorn. The Sun’s placement in Capricorn brings a pragmatic attitude toward daily life, creating stronger connections between where you are right now and where you wish to be. Allow the roadblocks and mishaps of recent memory to navigate you through these current hardships, stargazer.

Pisces monthly horoscope

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