
Weekly Horoscope: February 2-8

Venus and Neptune’s potent conjunction wanes as Jupiter returns direct in Gemini. How will your sign fare this week?

Illustration by Reesa

The cosmos trades one potent alignment for another this week. First, the conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces begins to separate, decreasing feelings of whimsy and imagination but sharpening mental clarity and pragmatism. Neptune has been toeing the line between romanticism and delusion with Venus in the mix. As this conjunction wanes, the line between fantasy and reality becomes sharper and more defined. This might not be the most entertaining perspective. But sometimes, a little bit of rigidity can go a long way.

Shortly after this conjunction ends, Jupiter retrograde finally returns direct after its lengthy regressive period in Gemini. As this faraway planet resumes its normal path, its expansive, prosperous spirit once again shifts outward. Jupiter retrograde called us to look inward for satisfaction and success. After it returns direct, this cosmic call changes slightly: start seeking out your good fortune around you. Explore paths less trodden. Don’t be afraid to flex your muscles a bit.

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How will your sign fare this week, stargazer?

Aries glyph  weekly horoscope

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Your ruling planet, Mars retrograde, spends the majority of this week in a challenging square with Eris and Chiron in Cancer and your celestial domain. Mars also forms an auspicious trine with Saturn in Pisces, signaling a positive reaction or outcome to challenge, discipline, or responsibility. Given the square between Mars and two dwarf planets governing our rebellious and vulnerable sides, respectively, this cosmic alignment seems to suggest significant healing ahead, Aries.

Chiron influences our emotional weak spots, so to speak, while Eris governs our desire and ability to stand our ground and assert ourselves. With both dwarf planets making a tumultuous square with Mars retrograde, the cosmos indicates a high likelihood of slipping back into toxic or unhealthy behaviors.

Aries monthly horoscope

Taurus glyphs  weekly horoscope

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

The potent conjunction between Venus and Neptune fades this week as your ruling planet moves into Aries. While this potent combination had its merits, it also had plenty of emotional risks. Now that these celestial bodies continue on their way apart from one another, the chances of falling into romanticized or naive thinking shrink. As disheartening as it might be when you first take off your rose-colored glasses, your future self will appreciate this transition back to reality, Taurus.

By the weekend, Venus forms a favorable sextile with Pluto in Aries and Aquarius, respectively. This is not necessarily a highly active alignment. Nevertheless, it’s a positive one. The stars point to a shift in power dynamics ahead. Keep an open mind.

Taurus monthly horoscope

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Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Your ruling planet’s harmonious trine with Jupiter eases just as the latter planet returns direct in your celestial domain. Despite this positive alignment fading, the cosmic transition appears wholly positive. Jupiter’s shift to direct encourages outward expansion and prosperity, signaling good fortune ahead. This is emphasized by Mercury’s week-long conjunction with the Sun. 

Indeed, the stars appear to be lining in your favor, Gemini. Luck seems to be waiting on the horizon. Keep up your current path, and try not to fall prey to distractions along the way. The worst thing you could do right now is get comfortable. There is still some race left to run. Keep pushing for the finish line, and it’ll be here before you know it. 

Gemini monthly horoscope

Cancer glyph  weekly horoscope

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

The waxing crescent Moon forms a direct opposition with Haumea as the latter dwarf planet turns retrograde in Scorpio. This celestial standoff occurs midweek and threatens indecisiveness, instability, and general feelings of doubt or worry. While these can be difficult emotions to grapple with, remember that they are only temporary. This discomfort and confusion will pass in due time. 

The waxing gibbous Moon conjoins with a recently out-of-retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, creating a potent blend of cosmic energy pushing us toward our goals and aspirations. Follow this muse while it’s here, Cancer. You never know when this inspiration will disappear (or when it will return). As the old adage goes, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Cancer monthly horoscope

Leo glyph  weekly horoscope

Leo: July 23 – August 22

The Sun spends this week flying through Aquarius in conjunction with Mercury. As a result, communicative and intellectual powers are at an all-time high. Pay close attention to cosmic clues this week, Leo. With Mercury in your corner, you’re more likely not only to pick up on these subtle messages but also accurately interpret them. The Sun’s placement in Aquarius maintains an overarching sense of curiosity and eccentricity, ushering in a new era of beliefs, ideas, and identity.

Notably, your ruling celestial body also forms an auspicious trine with Jupiter in its final days of retrograde. This alignment only adds to the good juju offered by the Sun and Mercury’s conjunction. The stars urge you to trust yourself. You’ve got this.

Leo monthly horoscope

Virgo glyph  weekly horoscope

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Your ruling planet spends the week flying in tandem with the ego-driven Sun through Aquarius. The latter celestial body helps illuminate your life path, revealing potential pitfalls and successes before they arrive. Capitalize on this foresight while you have it, Virgo. That means no staring in the rearview mirror, ruminating over past decisions, losses, or missed opportunities. Focus on what’s ahead of you.

Jupiter retrograde sets you up for this task nicely at the start of the week, forming a harmonious trine with Mercury just before Jupiter returns direct. This fortuitous alignment increases motivation and good fortune. With Mercury in creative Aquarius and Jupiter in flexible Gemini, all cosmic signs point to change for the better. Enjoy the process.

Virgo monthly horoscope

Libra glyph  weekly horoscope

Libra: September 23 – October 22

The week begins with a waxing crescent Moon forming a direct opposition to Makemake retrograde in Aries and your celestial domain. Makemake retrograde has been placing an emotional emphasis on creating a positive and supportive internal environment the same way you work so diligently to create these kinds of environments for other people in your life. You deserve that love, too, Libra.

As Venus and Neptune’s conjunction in Pisces wanes and the former planet moves into Aries, asserting yourself in the name of love becomes more manageable. Speaking up for yourself isn’t typically your M.O., but there’s never a bad time to start. And indeed, the alignments in your cosmic forecast this week suggest that time is fast approaching.

Libra monthly horoscope

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Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

This week ushers in a retrograde season for Haumea, a dwarf planet governing intuition and instincts that’s currently flying in your celestial domain. As someone who is already sensitive to subconscious cues, Haumea’s transition into retrograde will have more tangible effects on you than other members of the Zodiac. Pay close attention to your gut feelings this week, Scorpio.

Another notable alignment occurs early in the week when the waxing crescent Moon forms a tense square with your ruling planet, Pluto, in Aquarius. Evolution can be and often is an uncomfortable process. Don’t let this friction deter you. Some resistance is to be expected as you adjust to this new type of normal. Allow Haumea’s insights to guide you through choppier waters.

Scorpio monthly horoscope

Sagittarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

The positive trines between your ruling planet, Jupiter retrograde, and the Sun and Makemake continue early in the week. These aspects will last through Jupiter’s return to direct, which occurs closer to the weekend. Before Jupiter resumes its usual forward route, take time to reflect on internal changes you’ve experienced over the last several weeks. Soon, it will be time to shift this energy outward and use this wisdom to pursue your goals more efficiently. 

By Friday, the waxing gibbous Moon and a freshly direct Jupiter conjoin under Gemini. This lunar phase calls you to assess your progress thus far and determine whether you should adjust or proceed as usual. You’re at a cosmic crossroads, Sagittarius. Where will you go?

Sagittarius monthly horoscope

Capricorn glyph  weekly horoscope

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Your ruling planet, Saturn, spends the week in an auspicious trine with Mars retrograde. This latter planet’s retrograde period zaps motivation and stalls progress, which directly contradicts Saturn’s disciplinarian, go-getter attitude. Fortunately, the positive relationship between these two celestial bodies suggests powering through this sluggish period will be easier than you think. 

You can’t control the hand the cosmos deals you, Capricorn. All you can do now is work with what you’ve got. And luckily, you have plenty of emotional and mental resources in your toolbox to get you through this challenge. Have the same faith in yourself that others have in you. You’ve gone through similar situations in the past. Who’s to say you can’t do it again?

Capricorn monthly horoscope

Aquarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Plenty of celestial traffic passes through your domain this week, Aquarius. Most notably, the Sun continues its trek under your sign as we approach the end of your cosmic season. But Mercury, Ceres, and Pluto also maintain their positions in Aquarius, placing an emphasis on communication, self-care, and transformation. Simply put, now is an ideal time for advocating for yourself.

We often place a negative connotation on this type of advocacy work, as if you’re a victim who needs saving. But just because it’s the norm doesn’t mean you have to adopt this perspective. Taking care of yourself can also look like a celebration. Honor your needs and desires by taking the time to appreciate all you’ve accomplished and all you are.

Aquarius monthly horoscope

Pisces glyph weekly horoscope

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

The potent conjunction between your ruling planet, Neptune, and Venus wanes this week as the latter planet moves out of your celestial domain into Aries. Matters of the heart and wallet might seem less pertinent this week. Considering Saturn’s ongoing trine with Mars retrograde, the cosmos suggests your focus will be elsewhere anyway. Try and stay present, Pisces. There are always a million distractions ready to deter you from your progress.

Keep your attention locked on the one or two reasons why you should stay the course. Mars retrograde might continue to zap motivation and energy for a couple of more weeks this month. Fortunately, Saturn’s nearby placement helps embolden you to push past these feelings of sluggishness.

Pisces monthly horoscope

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